Scientific, Practical & Life Changing Workshop
By Life Coach Kalpesh Desai

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Come & Learn
What to do to get what you want

What Will You Learn

Day 1

  • Ultimate Purpose Of Life
  • Ultimate Goal Of Life
  • Setting Priorities Of Life
  • How To Set & Achieve Goal ?
  • Why People Are Strugling In Achieving Goals ?
  • Mind Psycology
  • Mind Pattern
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (Nlp)
  • Powerful Techniques Of Nlp
  • Neurological Alignment
  • Peak Performance State Level
  • Changing Pattern Of Thoughts, Beliefs & Values
  • Changing Unwanted Habits
  • Changing Behaviour Patterns
  • Universal Laws Of Life

Day 2

  • Formula Of Physical & Mental Fitness
  • Ultimate Success Formula
  • Happiness Formula
  • Formula For Loving Relationship
  • Money Psycology & Principles
  • Millioner Mind Secrets
  • Financial Goals & Strategies
  • Affirmation Techniques
  • Meditation Techniques
  • Subconscious Mind Programming
  • Ultimate Life Transformation Technique

Benifits Of The Workshop

  • Deep Understanding Of Life
  • Clearity About Life Purpose & Goal
  • Set & Achieve Goals & Priorities Of Life
  • Break Mental Blockage
  • Get Physical & Mental Strength
  • Be More Energetic & Powerful
  • Develop More Openness & Acceptance
  • Increase Concentration & Confidence Level
  • Develop Positive Mental Attitude
  • Learn Formula For Success, Happiness & Relationship
  • Learn Financial Principles & Psycology
  • Develop Millioner Mind Set
  • Change Unwanted Habits
  • Get Relief From Health Diseases
  • Get Balance In Every Area Of Life
  • Get More Prosperity, Happiness & Peace
  • Develop Loving Relationship
  • Achieve Ultimate Purpose & Goal Of Life

Highlight Of Workshop

  • Training In Peaceful & Luxurious Environment
  • Transformational & Result Oriented Training
  • Pracital & Scieitific Approach
  • Activity Based Learning Using Audio-video System
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Tea & Cokkies
  • Training Kit
  • Life Time Support System

"We don’t do what we should do and we do what we should not do, so we don’t get what we want and we get what we don’t want."

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